Colon Health Care Tips from Colon Cleanse Experts

How Your Colon Works

Your colon is an important part of your digestive system. It is 6 feet of muscle that finalizes digestion and escorts the waste from your body. Sure, it’s a dirty job, but it must be done and a healthy colon is up to the task. Take care of your colon with the right diet and an occasional colon cleanse. The colon removes liquid and salt from waste. It then moves the waste so it can be expelled from the body. The colon is a muscle, so it works by contraction. This muscle contracting action is called peristalsis. When the colon muscle contracts uncontrollably, it is referred to as a spastic colon or irritable bowel syndrome.

Keep Your Colon Healthy

There are many diseases of the colon; and the best way to avoid them is to keep your colon healthy. This is done with proper diet and hydration. Be nice to your colon. Eat fiber!

Fiber Rich Diet

Eating a fiber rich diet promotes colon and heart health. It can also help with weight management. Both soluble and insoluble fibers are beneficial. If you are not eating a fiber rich diet, add fiber slowly. Gas and discomfort can result if you try to quickly catch up on all the fiber you haven’t eaten in the last 5 years.
  • Soluble fiber is found in nuts, beans, apples, and oats. This stuff will help cart off cholesterol, prevent blood sugar spikes, keep you feeling full and since it absorbs water as it passes through your digestive system it adds bulk to your waste and makes it easier for your colon to expel it.
  • Insoluble fiber is found in the skins of fruits and veggies, brown rice, and grains. It also digests slowly so you feel full longer and adds bulk to your waste. This type of fiber is an important part of a weight management program.
Drink Drink Drink… Drink plenty of water that is. Alcohol is dehydrating, water is hydrating. So limit alcohol and drink water throughout the day. The more water you drink the softer your stool and the easier it is to expel it.

Natural Colon Cleanse for Better Colon Health

You spring clean your home, why not your body? Think of a colon cleanse as a spring cleaning of your digestive system. Dr. Ajay Goel, director of epigenetics, cancer prevention and genomics at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, believes
“Yes, colon cleanses can be very helpful in eliminating build-up in the intestines, but one must keep in mind that these cleanses (should be) as natural as possible and do not use strong/harsh chemicals.”
The best colon cleanse detox formulaThe ingredients in My Gentle Cleanse and My Gentle Detox are all natural. These herbal colon cleanse formulas rely on botanical ingredients such as senna leaf extract, Cascara Sagrada Bark extract, aloe vera leaf and other botanicals for natural digestive health. For your most amazing life, be good to your colon. Eat plenty of fiber, drink lots of water, and treat your body to a natural colon cleanse when you need to detox and recharge your body. You may find it even helps you lose weight and have clearer skin. How amazing is that?

Do You Need Natural Energy Boosters?

Why Do We Get Sleepy in the Afternoon?

Ever had that feeling about 2:00 in the afternoon?  You know, you can barely keep your eyes open and your head feels heavy?  You feel like this kitten. Admit it!  We all look for natural energy boosters when we start dragging. Unfortunately, its part of our natural cycle.  Some cultures didn’t try to fight it and adopted the “siesta” or afternoon nap time.  They take an afternoon rest and them come back raring to go. Energy drop in afternoon - get a boost with Extreme Energy or Fuel for the Body It’s natural for your body temperature to drop about 2 or 3 in the afternoon.  But, it’s also natural for your body temperature to drop just before you fall asleep.  Your body is actually the coolest just before you wake up.  Your body has been trained; temperature drop means time to sleep. Of course if you ate a lunch that was loaded with fast digesting carbs or sugar, the crash is probably related to your diet.  Whether you are dieting to lose weight or just to stay awake, protein is important for any diet.  It helps you avoid the crash.

Natural Energy Boosters to Stay Awake

Crazy as it seems, expending energy gives you energy.  If you feel sleepy, jumping around or doing brief aerobic exercise will increase your body temperature and get you awake again. You can reach for a cup of coffee or green tea to get a caffeine jolt, but that caffeine can cause a crash or the jitters in a little while, especially if you load it up with sugar. Extreme Energy as a herbal energy pill that worksA good night’s sleep and a good lunch are potent tools in your arsenal for fighting afternoon fatigue.  But it doesn’t hurt to get a natural energy boost from Extreme Energy or Fuel for the Body.  Just don’t take it too late in the afternoon, or you will be energized all night!  Got questions about the natural energy boosters in our herbal supplements? What is your favorite way to beat the afternoon slump?  Add your comment below!

Making the Most of Cottage Cheese – Natural Diet Weight Loss

Protein is considered a great natural diet weight loss strategy.

If you are dieting and watching your weight, you’ve probably already heard the gurus extol the benefits of eating protein. Unfortunately, one of the foods they push the most is low-fat cottage cheese. Sites like Blogilates push you to add it to everything and even make ½ cup of it a bedtime snack. Seriously?

Cottage Cheese for Natural Diet Weight Loss

The cruel and hard truth is that cottage cheese is loaded with casein. This protein takes forever to digest, leaving you full a long, long time. That is amazing news for natural diet weight loss! If you eat cottage cheese made from 1% milk, you’ll only consume 80 calories in ½ cup. That is assuming you can actually eat cottage cheese. As if anyone can actually eat cottage cheese.

The Cottage Cheese Conundrum

Most diet fads are as ridiculous as this llama--but this llama is awesome.
Drama Llama rejects your cottage cheese!
The worst thing about cottage cheese is eating it. So many articles, blogs, and studies say that cottage cheese is the Holy Grail of protein. The problem is actually getting the stuff in your mouth, chewing, and then attempting to swallow. It isn’t pretty. I’ve tried to eat plain cottage cheese.  Really I tried!  Each time I managed to close my eyes and get a spoonful in my mouth, what my taste buds recognize is a huge Nope Sandwich. There was not going to be any chewing, because my mouth wasn’t participating. My mother says a lady never spits, well I never said I was a lady. Nope and Spit! While cottage cheese might be good for natural diet weight loss, this stuff will never work if you can’t eat it.

The Cottage Cheese Solution

If anything, I am determined. So, I set about finding ways to trick my mouth into eating cottage cheese. The trick I discovered is making cottage cheese into something else with another consistency. Blended dip - a great way to add protein to your diet.Cheese Dip. Why didn’t I think of this before? Put your cottage cheese in the chopper or food processor and take it for a whirl with some herbs. Voila, you have a high protein dip for veggies that no longer looks or tastes like cottage cheese. I’ve served this at get-togethers and no one was the wiser! Smoothie Protein. If you are into smoothies the way I am, you can run ½ cup of cottage cheese and a small amount of water in the blender or Vitamix instead of using yogurt in your morning smoothie. But trust me, do this first before adding your other ingredients or Nope-A-Saurus Rex will swoop in and ruin the texture of your smoothie. Cottage Cheese Dressing. This one also requires the use of your food processor. Load up your cottage cheese, herbs, and either water or fat free milk. Take it for a whirl until you get the consistency you want. It’s a stretch, but I have made a pretty tasty ranch dressing by doing this with parsley, dill, and garlic.  Just add a little vinegar for tang. Ricotta Substitute. After taking a whirl in the food processor, I can substitute cottage cheese for ricotta cheese. This is a great substitution for eggplant rollatini, spinach ravioli, and other dishes that depend on the creamy texture of ricotta, but with a fraction of the fat!

No One Said It’s Easy!

Losing weight and keeping it off is hard. That’s why you need all the help you can get. Herbal Nitro is your partner in living an amazing life, naturally. Natural diet weight loss supplements like Allura Trim and natural energy boosters like Fuel for the Body can help you reach and maintain your weight goals. If other diet and weight loss supplements have let you down, give us a try. If you’ve got a great tip for choking down cottage cheese or any other trick you use, let us know.  Let’s live an amazing life – together!

Gentle Colon Cleanse to Look and Feel Great

Even just a little curious about colon cleansing?

Are you curious about colon cleansing? Herbal Nitro has answers.Maybe a friend, neighbor, or co-worker has mentioned doing a colon cleanse and detox and it got you to thinking. Do you need to do a colon cleanse and detox? If you’re feeling sluggish,  bloated or experiencing irregularity a natural colon cleanse may help. Irregularity can be caused by many things, such as inactivity, improper diet, travel, or medications.

Benefits of a Colon Cleanse

Colon cleansing is a process to remove waste from your bowels.  Even if you have regular elimination, undigested waste, partially digested waste,  and even parasites can build up. This may make you feel sluggish an make it harder for your body to absorb key nutrients.  People that periodically cleanse and detox their body find that they:
  • lose weight as waste is eliminated
  • eliminate gas and bloating
  • have clearer skin

Different Ways to Colon Cleanse

Colonics. If you did a little Google research, you probably ran across clinics and centers in your area that cleanse with colon hydrotherapy.  They may also call this cleanse colonic irrigation.  What you are going to do is pay someone around $200 or so to give you an enema.  Seriously!  While there have been many advances in modern medicine they still haven’t made many in this department. They still use the same procedure and it still is uncomfortable as you remember an enema to be. Fasts.  These methods of cleansing and detox have you eliminate meat and alcohol for a week, then you get to eliminate the rest of the food in the world!  Doesn’t that sound like fun?  Variations of this method have you drinking herbal teas and juices and mixtures with things like Epsom salts.  At least they warn you to stay close to a bathroom, magnesium sulfate is a powerful laxative.  Just more fun to add to your fast!Diet restrictions suck, but tomatoes are delicious. Crazy Diets.  In addition to fasts there are special “cleansing and detox” diets like eat only raw alkaline foods for a week or living on only squeezed lemon juice, organic grade-B maple syrup, cayenne pepper and spring water.  Not only are those diets difficult to follow and doom you to failure, they don’t provide you the energy you need to make it through your day.

A Sensible Gentle Colon Cleanse

Suddenly that colon cleanse business doesn’t look like such a good idea does it?  But how about if you could get the benefits without all the crazy diets, enemas, and fasts?  Now that sounds too good to be true.  But it is true. Herbal Nitro makes two different formulas that allot you to do a gentle colon cleanse without changing your diet, without fasting, and without mixing up crazy fiber concoctions.

Colon Cleanse FormulaMy Gentle Cleanse is a natural herbal formula that contains ingredients like aloe vera, fennel seed, and other plant-based ingredients to cleanse your colon gently.  The only thing you have to do is take it once a day and remember to drink at least 8 glasses of water.   All the good; none of the crazy.  Sensible, right?

  The best colon cleanse detox formulaMy Gentle Detox is another herbal formula that allows to perform a gentle colon cleanse without dieting, fasting, or making yourself crazy.  This herbal formula contains safe ingredients like senna leaf extract and dandelion root.  It promotes more peristaltic action in the colon.  No enemas here!  Just take one capsule daily and drink plenty of water.

Natural Herbal Formulas for Colon Cleansing, Weight Loss, and Energy

Herbal Nitro is a manufacturer of high-quality natural herbal supplements for colon cleansing and detox, weight loss and appetite suppression, and natural energy boosts.  When you buy manufacturer direct, you save. Shop securely on-line 24 hours a day or give us a call 1-800-AMAZING. We make amazing formulas for your amazing life.